Respondus 4.0


Respondus 4.0 license expiration

The University of Delaware campus-wide license for Respondus 4.0 software will expire on 7/31/2024.

The program will continue to be available by appointment in Pearson 116.  Email to make arrangements.

For faculty transferring quizzes from a non-Canvas format, Respondus 4.0 is available. Respondus 4.0 is a Windows application that assists in the conversion of existing quizzes in specially formatted Word documents to a format suitable for a Canvas quiz.

Follow these steps to download and launch Respondus 4.0. Note: Respondus 4.0 is only available for Windows.

  1. Go to UDeploy to download Respondus 4.0, then click “Respondus Setup Instructions and Installation Password.”
  2. Read “Using Respondus to upload a Word test to Canvas” to familiarize yourself with the process for preparing a Word doc to be imported as a Canvas quiz.
  3. In the Word file, put an asterisk to the left of the correct answer. See an example Word file here.
  4. Launch Respondus 4.0 from your computer.
  5. Click Import Question Type, then select “Word File” as the Question type (.docx or .doc).
  6. Click Finish. Now you have the option to either go to Respondus Publishing Wizard to link directly to your course or to save the QTI File (quiz file).
    Note: We recommend that you save the QTI file to your device.
  7. Import the QTI File.
    • Settings > Import Content > Content type – Select QTI > Click Source to choose the QTI file from your computer.
  8. Download the latest patch update.

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