
We’re happy you’re here. You’ve come to the right place for teaching innovation and you’re a step away from connecting with our support teams. In IT-ATS, we help all those who teach at the University of Delaware improve teaching and learning through the effective application of technology – in classrooms and online.


We’re available to work with you remotely or in Pearson 116.

AI Workshops!

New schedule for Spring 2025!

The AI for Teaching & Learning Working Group invites you to participate in the Spring 2025 program for Reimagining PedAIgogy: AI Literacy for Educators.

Spring 2025 Accessibility Café!

Accessibility Café series begins Feb 25

Registration is open for the spring 2025 digital accessibility and high-quality course design workshop series.

New Podcast Episodes!

Starting the podcast’s sixth season, two new episodes examine AI, first in the context of ethics and learning with Mathieu Plourde and second, ensuring humanity-centered learning with four humanities professors at the University of Delaware.

Teaching Innovation Grant!

Supporting instructors developing and implementing novel teaching strategies

The deadline for submitting a 2025-2026 proposal is May 1, 2025.

Canvas Workshops

IT-ATS offers Canvas workshops to help faculty learn how to use Canvas, to set up a basic Canvas course, or to master advanced Canvas topics and educational technology tools.

Our Tools and Services

Canvas logo

Canvas at UD

UD’s Learning Management System

UD Capture logo

UD Capture Suite

Create and share videos and classroom recordings

Zoom logo

Zoom at UD

UD’s videoconferencing software

Instructional Design

Our instructional designers collaborate with you to create effective learning experiences. Our research-backed strategies and strong relationships with instructors result in high-quality course design.


Video Recording Studios

Polling Tools

Canvas logo

Canvas Add-On Tools

Power up the student learning experience in Canvas by integrating tools such as DesignPlus for Canvas, Perusall, FeedbackFruits, Google Assignments, Ally, Yellowdig Engage and more.



Course Design Review

The University of Delaware course-level review tool for improving instructional design and accessibility. UD login required for this Google Sheet.

Online Program Development Playbook

The University of Delaware guide to take an idea for an online program from concept to completion. UD login required for this Google Doc.

DesignPLUS for Canvas

Cidi Labs DesignPLUS is a Canvas add-on that expands your options for course design, page formatting, and content management.