Student Zoom Assistant

Using Zoom in the classroom is the best way to accommodate remote students in a synchronous mode. However, this brings new challenges of managing both the physical classroom as well as the virtual one. With so many students attending class virtually, you may want to consider a Zoom assistant for your class.

Ask the Writing Center for an Online Classroom Assistant

Your Zoom assistant doesn’t have to be a student in your class. The Writing Center offers Online Classroom Assistants who can help you navigate the logistical complexities of online learning free of charge. The program does have a sign-up deadline for each semester, so be sure to enroll before your classes begin.

Online Classroom Assistants are available to you during your class time every week to help you with the following:

On Zoom:

  • Take attendance
  • Let in latecomers if you use a waiting room
  • Facilitate and manage breakout rooms
  • Monitor students’ questions via chat while you are lecturing or leading discussion
  • Help you troubleshoot if problems arise

On Canvas:

  • Check for discussion participation (but not evaluate the quality of responses)
  • Help you with Canvas logistics and give you feedback on the usability of your Canvas materials

Designate a student assistant to help manage Zoom sessions

You don’t have to go it alone on Zoom. First, if you have a TA, they may be able to assist you.

You can also assign/employ a student or volunteer (or multiple students on a rotating schedule) to manage and facilitate your Zoom sessions in the classroom. Some instructors offer the Zoom assistant role as an extra credit opportunity.