UD Capture on Canvas @ UD

All UD Capture Course Recordings Now Accessed Through Canvas


With the new addition of Kaltura media tools in our Canvas@UD, Faculty and students can now use Canvas to access course recordings without having to share a UD Capture link. Now UD students can access course content and class recordings all in on place!

Once a course is requested to be recorded for the semester, and has been scheduled to record by IT Academic Technology Services (IT-ATS), you can sit back and relax. All course recordings will directly show up on Canvas in your Canvas Course(s) as well as your new Kaltura based personal media repository.

Additionally, Kaltura is a LTI tool in Canvas gives multiple options for video editing. Owner of the content can give access to collaborators to edit an entry’s details and metadata, trim media, replace media, edit captions, edit chapters and edit slides. Any questions or comments or request for more information can be sent to udcapture-info@udel.edu (Important: Include “Kaltura” in the Subject).

Explore the different nuances and new features in Canvas by following the below sections:
Different Ways To Create Videos & Upload To Canvas
Videos created in several different ways can be added to Canvas:

  • By requesting UD Capture recordings in your classroom
    Note: Has to be requested every semester!
  • By recording a lecture in a studio at the Faculty Commons.
  • By using CaptureSpace, available in Canvas through the My Media
  • By Uploading from YouTube which is relevant for the course
    Note: Not all YouTube videos can be uploaded. They have to be public access videos.
Accessing UD Capture recordings in Canvas

Accessing UD Capture recordings in Canvas

Canvas has a lot of pre-existing video capabilities. Now other features like access to all UD Capture recordings, ability to record, edit and upload videos have been added to Canvas by an Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). To be able use all the features available, you need to let Kaltura access your canvas account.

  1. Login to Canvas.
  2. You will have two new menu options: My Media and Media Gallery. Click on My Media.
  3. If you are using the My Media button for the first time, you will see a message to allow Kaltura access your account. Click on Authorize to let Kaltura integrate with your Canvas account.

My Media Page
In each of your courses you are teaching this semester, you will have two new menu options: My Media and Media Gallery.

My Media – includes all the videos that you have ownership of/have uploaded onto Canvas. It is a private media repository from which you can choose to share or make content public. Files in My Media can crossover from your different course sites.

Media gallery – If you are teaching a course with another faculty member or want to collaborate with other people (including students) who will add videos to the Canvas site, these videos will show up in the Media gallery. This is all the content in a specific course site and hence a open repository of media shared between instructors and students.

Adding New Video Content to Canvas

To add media to Canvas:

  1. Click on Course on the menu on the left of the Canvas site
  2. Click on My Media under the Home option; this brings up all the existing/current videos already added to your site.
  3. Click on the blue Add New button to view various options for uploading content.

  4. There are multiple options to add new content to your Canvas account.
    1. Media Upload
    2. Youtube
    3. CaptureSpace
    4. VideoQuiz
Media Upload
To add video, audio, or image files:


  1. Choose the Media Upload option from the Add New drop down menu.
  2. You are then able to drag and drop files or you can click the blue button and choose a file to upload.


  1.  Every media uploaded is private – only you have the access to this video. It has to be published in order for others to be able to access it

Capture Space  – Coming Soon!

Answers to questions like:
– What do I do when I don’t use Canvas?
– What if I am not teaching a course but have videos to publish?