Sharing Videos with Combined Sections

FERPA Regulations regarding classroom recordings

FERPA regulations and guidelines concerning combined sections and sharing recordings can be a big issue if you have combined sections that meet for class at separate times. To share videos with only one section within one Canvas course, use Discussions to share your class lecture captures. Recordings containing the image, voice, or work of students are FERPA protected records. Please review the FERPA Responsibilities for UD Faculty/Staff. Videos that are shared beyond your current students must comply with FERPA and other regulations and the University’s procedures regarding the disclosure of education records to third parties. Under these procedures, written permission of each student is required to document consent in almost all instances.


How to Share Videos with Combined Sections

If you have combined Canvas sections and do not wish to split them, here are some ideas for ensuring your classroom lecture captures are only released to students in their own sections.

NOTE:  The instructions and video below describe how to use Discussions to share videos with individual sections within a course, not with individual users/students. To share a video with a specific student, you may want explore your options with Assignments or adding Collaborators with a Viewer Role to a video located in your My Media.


Post videos in discussion threads

Note:  Limit video uploads to a maximum of 10 videos per discussion board.

Exceeding this limit may cause significant errors. Create a new discussion board to share additional videos.

    1. Click “Discussions” in the left-side navigation
    2. Click “+Discussion”
    3. Enter title and description
    4. Allow thread replies if you want students to be able to comment on individual class videos
    5. Post to one specific section
    6. Reply > embed icon > embed your video
    7. For posting additional class recordings, create a new reply – Click “Reply” at the top of your Discussion thread, not the reply button below your first video. Posting a new video underneath the first video will stack it under, making it difficult to locate.

***Keep media gallery hidden to students***


Watch this tutorial video on how to create your Discussion thread of videos!

Or click this link to watch it in Capture Space: