Video Analytics for your Canvas and Capture Space videos

What are Video Analytics?

Video analytics provide data for video owners to understand a video’s performance. This tool allows the owner to identify who the viewers are, determine what they find engaging, and make informed decisions about future video content. Every video accessible in your My Media and Media Gallery has data stored, and can be accessed easily at any time.

To access Video Analytics on a single video:

1. Open your My Media or Media Gallery and search for the video that you want to view analytics on.
2. Click on the video title to open the video.
3. When the page loads, click “Actions” below the player, then click Analytics.

What data is collected with Video Analytics?

Click each of the sections below to read more!

Example Screenshot of Performance and Engagement Overview:

The top of the Video Analytics page will show the following items:

    • Player Impressions – The count of times the video was loaded on the page by viewers.
    • Plays – The count of times the video was played. This number is frequently lower than Player Impressions, as viewers may load the page several times or at different days or times, but actually click “Play” on the video once. 
    • Unique Viewers – The count of individual authenticated viewers. Unauthenticated viewers (viewers who were not logged into their UD Capture Space account) will be grouped into one singular “Unknown” viewer. 
    • Minutes Viewed – The collective amount of time all viewers spent watching the video. 
    • Average Completion Rate – The collective average percentage of completion among all viewers.
      This percentage, shown at the very top of the analytics page, is the sum of the percent watched divided by the number of plays. This average takes into account all of the various "Unknown" viewers' activity, though all "Unknown" users are grouped into one user when viewing the "Engagement Per User" section.
    • Social Highlights – The count of time the video was “Liked” and “Shared”


This section displays a video player and a graph, allowing you to see the number of views throughout the entire duration of the video. The graph shows the number of viewers at any given time.

Hover your mouse over any point on the graph to see exactly how many people watched that moment of the video. 
    • A blue line on the graph indicates the total number of views, whether the viewers were authenticated or not.  
    • A green line indicates the total number of views of only authenticated (logged in) viewers.


This displays a list of authenticated users’ names, and their individual counts of Player Impressions, Plays, and Completion Rates. Unauthenticated viewers will be grouped into one “Unknown” user in this list. Each individual viewer also generates their own viewing Heatmap, which will show which parts of the video an individual skipped/did not watch, watched one time, or watched more than one time. 


This graph displays analytics by date. This can identify if a certain month/time of year, or particular day of the week, attracted and engaged more viewers. Click “View Details” below the graph for a chart view of the data.


Gain insight through a visual display of how player impressions lead to engagement. This shows the collective journey of your viewers, from first discovering and loading the video to playing and watching the video. See how many Player Impressions resulted in Plays, and how many Plays of the entire video. Take a customized look at this data by choosing a particular percentage for the completion rate.
Example: Of 300 Player Impressions, there were 100 Plays. Of those 100 Plays, 40 of the viewers watched at least 50% of the video.
See where your viewers have watched from, and what devices they are using. 
    • Top Countries: Click the name of the country or the region on the map to see more detail. Example: Clicking on the United States will break down the data by US State. You cannot see individual viewer’s names associated with locations shown. 
    • Devices: Discover how your viewers are watching your video. This can indicate if viewers are using a computer (typically indicates a static location, such as their home or office) or if viewers are using phones and tablets (typically indicates watching on-the-go).
    • Top Domains: If your video is published in multiple places, such as being published on Capture Space and also embedded on a web page or Canvas page, you can view where/which sites your viewers are accessing your video. 


Two types of Video Analytics

There are two types of Video Analytics available: Analytics for individual videos, and Analytics for all the videos in a course’s Media Gallery. Individual video analytics can provide detailed information on that video’s performance and the activity level of individual students. Media Gallery analytics can provide detailed information regarding the performance and viewer activity of among all of your videos. Click the tabs below to learn more about each type of Video Analytics!

Individual Video
Media Gallery Videos

To access detailed analytics on a single video published in your Media Gallery, and detailed viewing activity by individual users:

    1. Open the Video: Open up your  Media Gallery and search for the video that you want to view analytics on.
    2. Navigate to Analytics: Click on the video title, then "Actions," below the player, and then click on “Analytics” in the Actions menu.
    3. Locate the “View Engagement by User” section: On this Analytics page, you will see the video and a graph with a dark gray background. Directly underneath this, locate "View Engagement by User" and click it.
    4. View individuals' activity: Click on the little triangle next to a student's name to see their detailed viewing activity for the video.

An activity bar will show three possible colors:

        • A light gray-blue indicates where a viewer did not watch that portion of the video.
        • A bold/cobalt shade of blue indicates where a viewer watched that portion of the video one time.
        • A very dark shade of blue indicates where a viewer watched that portion of the video more than one time.

To access analytics about videos published in your courses Media Gallery, and to view all the videos that students have watched in that gallery:

    1. Open the Media Gallery: Go to this specific course you want to view activity on in Canvas. Then click on Media Gallery to load that course’s published videos. 
    2. Navigate to Analytics in the menu: Near the upper right corner of the media gallery page, there will be an icon with three little black and white horizontal bars. Click on this icon, then click on “Analytics.” 
    3. Locate “Top Viewers” section: A new page will load displaying different information about this media gallery. Locate the Top Viewer section, which is just under the “Highlights” section. 
    4. Click “See Details” in the Top Viewers box.
    5. Click “View Details” for viewer names: The page will then display “category performance over time” at the top. Below that title and the graph, click on View Details. A list of students will display whose names you can click on to see which videos they have watched.

Video Analytics Terms and Definitions

Click on a term below to read the description.

Average percentage of completion, across all plays. Calculated for VOD only.

Example: If a user once watched 20% of the video and the second time watched 80% of the video, the calculation will be:
(20+80)/2 plays = 50% Avg. Completion Rate.

The average percentage of drop-off quartile (last quartile watched), across all plays. This metric is calculated based on quartiles.

Example: If a user once watched 20% of the video and the second time watched 80% of the video, the calculation will be:
(0+75)/2 plays = 37.5% Avg. Drop Off Rate.
20% is calculated as 0 since the user didn’t reach the 25% milestone and 80% is calculated as 75% as the user passed the 3rd quartile milestone.

The average of minutes viewed per play (total minutes viewed/total plays).

The average of minutes viewed by the user, calculated by quartile, per play. This metric is calculated based on quartiles.

A player impression event is counted each time the player is loaded on the page

A play is counted when a user clicks the Play button to watch a video. If the player is set to auto-play, a play event will be counted when the player begins to play the video. Pausing and resuming is not counted as additional Play events.

Total percentage of the associated VOD watched per user, accumulated across all play sessions, excluding repetitions. For example: If the VOD is an hour and the user watched the first 20 minutes the first time and watched the first 30 minutes the second time, the total completion rate will be 50%. 

For a certain frame in the video how many unique views for all users.
 User can view the same time frame several times and will be counted as one unique view.

*Sourced from Kaltura


While video analytics is a useful tool to assess the performance of your videos, the data collected may not include all activity from viewers. If you have encountered this issue, please see if there is a known issue associated below:

High “Unknown” viewer counts:

Videos shared via Capture Space may cause more “Unknown” users in the analytics, as setting your videos as Unlisted and/or setting your channel to allow both authenticated and non-authenticated users to view the content would allow a user to view a video without being logged into their account.

Missing viewer/activity data:

Trackers and VPNs:  Viewers may have things enabled on their computer or browser that limits and/or blocks sites from collecting data from their activity. Some browsers, browser extensions/plugins, and VPN connections have been known to block viewer activity from the video analytics. If you have particular viewers, such as students, who are required to watch a video, be sure to request that viewers use a supported browser (such as Chrome or Firefox) and do not have extensions or plugins enabled. Cookies should be enabled on the browser. These viewers should also avoid being connected to a VPN or virtual desktop. (To ensure students are viewing videos for an assignment, you may want to consider adding a video quiz into your video!)

Downloads:  If you modify your video settings to allow viewers to download your video, for offline viewing, the activity of viewers who download the video to watch on their device offline will not be included in the data found in your video analytics.